Next Generation Razorbacks 1

New?  No, these bad boys of the air are not new.  “Current” is probably the best way to describe them.  We just haven’t decided what is the best way to let you know who we are talking about.

The Razorbacks Attack Helicopters are alive and well at Ft. Lewis, WA! They’ve even served over in the big sandbox across the pond.  These outstanding young men and women of the current Razorbacks are a fitting legacy for us old timers.  We are proud they are carrying on our Razorbacks heritage.  (If we could of flown what these young men have today, we’d probably have had the late hostilities over by noon come Saturday!!)  SOOOOO-PIG!!



The Baddest of the Bad.  The RAZORBACKS!!



One snowy day in Colorado….

Yet another cold day…..
Going to shoot some 2 million bucks in a bit


Ft. Carson had some outstanding facilities!  Cleanest Pig Sty I’ve ever seen.
The Razorbacks have updated the old red hog with a more modern theme.  This is one bad dude!
Pig artwork
Hogs, hogs, hogs everywhere!
Razorback Wall - Copy
Here’s the old war room at Ft. Carson..  Great decor, eh? There are certainly a lot of photos of us old timers hung up…what an honor.  Thanks, guys.