Here are some more pics of Uncle Sam’s “Bad Boys” for you.
Bob J. Gilman standing to the rear of a 120th jeep.
Benny Betten Cleaning his M60 machine gun at Hotel 3 in Saigon.
CW2 Sean Meyer in from of the C5 that took him and three Razorback aircraft to Iraq!
Sgt. Ray Hanna, crew chief on 329.
Specialist Four Chaz Cooper
The late CW3 Brandon Smith
CW3 Shaun Perez. Razorback 08 and his lovely wife, Eva.
Specialist 4 Tyson
WO1 Tim Brockman, a lady friend, and SP5 Joe Bogolawski
CE Louie Sanchez on the ’60.
Corbin Deutsch . Boys, this is one bad-ass pilot. (Just like me!) I’ve seen’im fly and have’im on video!
CPT Nathan “Razorback 6” Peper and CW2 T. J. “Teeje” Millard and one of their Apaches carrying on the tradition.
Chief Warrant Officer Dean Gardner receives the Distinguished Flying Cross.
CEs (Olsen) Wright, Spain, Saunders
“Speedy” Fours Hujar, Finch, and Anspaugh.
SP/5 Brian Lower performing the Daily Inspection on one of our H Models at Nha Be in 1971.
Captain Jack Law has just made PIC!! CONGRATULATIONS, Jack!!
Very good photo of Mr. Brian Shiles on the job.
These bad boyz have some baaaaad decorations on the wall, eh?
L to R: Jeremy Queen, Richie Davis, Sean Meyer, Jace Hammack, and Ian Corbin
SP4 Vronko, Crew Chief deluxe. Look close and you’ll see living proof some of us used to like to get down and dirty and slug it out with the bad guys. No nose bleeds for us, eh?
Captain Linc Shibao from Hawai’i. Damn fine pilot say his old crew members.
Flight Surgeon John Witwer.
MAJ “Chuck” Berry and CW2 Nestor
Madison West
Mike Anderson & Shaun Perez
The late SGT Marc Pulfrey
CW2 Chase Snider
CW2 Drew Hazlett
William T. Welch talks to SSG Taylor