Memorabilia 2

190 Sat Cong

Another “beer can” hat pin bought at a local Vietnamese shop.  Roughly translated, it says: Kill /Death to the communists a.k.a. the Viet Cong.


1 SP5 Rick Stricklands SPH4

SP/5 Rick Strickland’s SPH4 flight helmet


1 Golden

Gunner Russ Golden’s APH-5 flight helmet


1 My Aussie Dog Tags

My Australian dog tags complete with a small hog tusk.  In 1970, the Razorbacks would fly to Nui Dat/Baria to assist the Australians with their conversion to H model gunships.  Some horse trading went on after the meetings and I wound up with a set of combat boots & dog tags.


Gen. Westmoreland  - Copy
